The visual identity for the University of Nebraska Kearney is the “face” the school shows the public. It is representative of the University’s unique character and purpose, and is a strongly influential force, building equity through its exposure.
Any identity system can only be as strong as the means established to maintain it. It is critical that this identity, despite a wide range of possible applications, retain its integrity—continuing to convey the organization it represents. A graphics standards manual defines the visual identity system—providing a framework that will allow for proper implementation in the future. This unique and distinguishing identity system is designed to serve the University of Nebraska Kearney for years to come.
The following guidelines reinforce the strength of the new visual identity for the University of Nebraska Kearney. Care should be taken to adhere to the guidelines in all print, web, video, and three-dimensional applications.
Download the printable Graphic Standards Quick Guide
The University of Nebraska Kearney’s identity, called a signature, is a single unit composed of the icon and wordmark. Several signature configurations have been developed to ensure a versatile visual identity. The University of Nebraska System logo is also an integral part of 体育菠菜大平台’s identity, especially for external audiences. Examples of its use with the campus icon are shown throughout this manual.
The signatures have been carefully drawn/composed and should not be manipulated in any manner. On the following pages are each of the signatures shown in “positive” and “reverse” versions. Whenever a signature is needed that is lighter than its background it is critical that only the “reverse” versions are used; these “reverse” versions have been specifically redrawn to appear the same as its “positive” version.
Example applications of the various signatures accompany each, and are meant to illustrate the signature’s versatility, not address specific situations.
Download the Signature Configurations
View all the official logo variations by downloading the official Art Sheet.
Download select 体育菠菜大平台 institutional, athletic or vintage logos